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Atticus Finch Documentation

From OdleWiki
Revision as of 01:53, 25 January 2016 by Kenneth John Odle (talk | contribs) (→‎Miscellaneous Options: Initial write)

This page describes the theme options available for the Atticus Finch WordPress theme, version 0.3.

Post Format Options

Atticus Finch supports the use of post formats. It currently supports the following post formats:

  • Aside
  • Audio
  • Chat
  • Gallery
  • Image
  • Link
  • Quote
  • Status
  • Video

Additional options are available for the aside, link, quote, and status post formats. (See for the philosophy behind these options.)

Post Format Title Options

Atticus Finch Post Format Title Options

You can choose whether to display titles for the above post formats.

The options are checkboxes, meaning that you can enable the option for one, some, or all post formats.

Post Format Excerpt Options

Atticus Finch Post Format Excerpt Options

You can choose whether to display excerpts for full content for the above post formats on the home page and on archive pages.

The options are checkboxes, meaning that you can enable the option for one, some, or all post formats.

You can also select the text to use for the "Read More" link. The default is "…read more…". Note: This will affect all post formats, not just the four listed above.

Widget Areas

Header and Background Images

Atticus Finch supports both custom header and custom background images, although it does not ship with them.

Header Images

Currently, Atticus Finch recommends a custom header image of 1000 x 250 pixels. However, because the header of the theme extends the entire width of the screen, it is probably better to use a smaller image that tiles. More testing is required.

Background Images

Any size background image may be used. However, Atticus Finch does not currently support full-size background images, so use a tileable image.

Print Options

The Atticus Finch Theme is print-friendly.

Copyright Information


The option "Copyright Information" provides a place to include your copyright information. You can include any combination of text and HTML.

Note: This information will appear in the footer of all pages. However, you must also tick the box labeled "Display copyright information in footer" under "Miscellaneous Options".

Social Media Options

Custom CSS

Miscellaneous Options


Atticus Finch also has a number of miscellaneous options.

Copyright Information in Footer

If you have entered your copyright information in the "Copyright Information" option, tick this box to make it appear on the bottom of each page.

This option allows you to toggle showing your copyright information without having to delete it from the "Copyright Information" option.

Developer Credits in Footer

Unticking this box hides the "Powered by WordPress and the Atticus Finch Theme" message in the footer of each page.

"Edit this post" Link for Logged-In Users

Ticking this box displays a link to edit posts on the front end of your blog for logged in users who have the ability to edit posts.

Excerpt Length

Use this option to change the length of excerpts. The default is 20; the maximum accepted value is 100. If you edit a value larger than 100, it will revert to 100.