Main Page
Welcome to the OdleWiki
This wiki is for the use of my friends and colleagues. Anonymous edits and account creation have been disabled. If you want to join, please contact me via my contact form and select "Join the wiki" from the "You would like to:" drop down menu.
This wiki uses the same software (MediaWiki) that Wikipedia uses. To learn how to edit pages using MediaWiki software, please visit this page.
Since migrating all my websites to Opalstack, I've started using the Chameleon skin which presents content nicely and is also mobile friendly.
- Current Categories (with members)
- Unused Categories
- Stubs — You are welcome to help fix stubs. Please see the link above to join.
- I am including some commercial resources links here.
- I am gradually moving all my bookmarks here.
- Linking to other wikis is now easier with the use of interwiki prefixes.
- I am finally spending some time working on my Atticus Finch WordPress theme
Project Pages
- American Literature (Course) — A Common Core aligned English course suitable for ninth or tenth grade.