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Help:Basic Formatting

From OdleWiki
Revision as of 23:37, 5 November 2013 by Kenneth John Odle (talk | contribs)

Mediawiki uses fairly simple markup to format text on a page.


=Creating Paragraphs

To create a new paragraph, press "Enter" twice. There should be a blank line between each paragraph when editing.

Indenting Lines

To indent a paragraph, precede it with a colon (:). The colon should be the first character on the line; do not precede it with spaces or other characters.

This code:

First line
:Second line
::Third line
:::Fourth line
::::Fifth line
:::::Sixth line
::::::Seventh line

will produce this output:

First line

Second line
Third line
Fourth line
Fifth line
Sixth line
Seventh line

Type Formatting


To make type bold, add three apostrophes (''') before and after it.


To make type italic, add two apostrophes ('') before and after it.

Bold and Italic

To make type bold and italic, add five apostrophes (''''') before and after it.


To create a level two heading, place the heading text on a line all by itself, with two equal signs (==) before and after it. The equal signs must be the first character on the line. Do not precede them with spaces or other characters.

A level 3 heading is created with three equal signs, a level 4 with four equal signs, and so on. Headings are available through level 6.

Do not use level 1 headings, as these are reserved for page titles.


Bullet Lists

To make a bullet list, precede each item with an asterisk (*). The asterisk must be the first character on the line. Do not precede it with spaces or other characters.

To created a nested list, precede nested items with two asterisks (**).

This code:

***Red Delicious
***Yellow Delicious
***Granny Smith

will produce this output:

  • Dairy
    • milk
    • cheese
    • eggs
  • Fruits
    • Apples
      • Red Delicious
      • Yellow Delicious
      • Granny Smith
    • Bananas
    • Cherries
  • Vegetables
    • Tomatoes
    • Cucumbers
    • Lettuce

Numbered Lists

To create a numbered list, precede each item with a hash (#). The hash must be the first item on the line; do not precede it with spaces or other characters.

Like bullet lists, numbered lists can also be nested. For example, this code:

###Red Delicious
###Yellow Delicious
###Granny Smith

will produce this output:

  1. Dairy
    1. milk
    2. cheese
    3. eggs
  2. Fruits
    1. Apples
      1. Red Delicious
      2. Yellow Delicious
      3. Granny Smith
    2. Bananas
    3. Cherries
  3. Vegetables
    1. Tomatoes
    2. Cucumbers
    3. Lettuce