Periods in British Literature
From OdleWiki
For a general discussion of the concept of literary periods, see Periodicity.
- Old English Period (~400-1100)
- Middle English Period (1100-1500)
- Renaissance Period (1500-1660)
- Early Tudor Age (1500-1558)
- Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)
- Jacobean Age (1603-1625)
- Caroline age (1625-1649)
- Commonwealth Age (1649-1660)
- Neoclassical Period (~1700-1798)
- Augustan Age (~1700-1750)
- Restoration Age (1660-1700)
- Age of Johnson (~1750-1798)
- Romantic Period (1798-1837)
- Victorian Period (1837-1901)
- Edwardian Age (1901-1910)
- Georgian Age (1910-1936)
- Modern Period (1914-1945)
- Postmodern Period (1945-present)