- 22:07, 10 November 2013 diff hist +960 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W9-10.3 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W9-10.3}} *I can define narrative and describe the basic parts of plot. (K) *I can engage the reader by introducing one or more points of view, the narrato..." current
- 21:32, 10 November 2013 diff hist +938 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W9-10.2 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W9-10.2}} *I can select a topic and identify and gather relevant information <noinclude>(e.g., well-chosen facts, extended definitions, concrete details, q..." current
- 21:28, 10 November 2013 diff hist +828 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W9-10.1 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W9-10.1}} *I can analyze substantive (influential) topics or texts to determine an argument that causes or has caused debate in society. (K) *I can choose ..." current
- 21:22, 10 November 2013 diff hist +1 Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.2 I Can current
- 21:19, 10 November 2013 diff hist +202 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.10 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.10}} *I can recognize when the text I am reading is too easy or too difficult for me. (K) *I can determine reading strategies that will help me comp..." current
- 21:17, 10 November 2013 diff hist +553 ELA I Can statements 9-10 →Reading Informational Text
- 21:17, 10 November 2013 diff hist +318 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.9 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.9}} *I can identify seminal U.S. documents that have related themes and concepts. (K) *I can analyze how different documents address related themes ..." current
- 21:15, 10 November 2013 diff hist +573 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.8 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.8}} *I can identify the side of an argument an author presents in a text. (K) *I can determine the credibility of the author and his or her purpose...." current
- 21:12, 10 November 2013 diff hist +341 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.7 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.7}} *I an identify various accounts of the same subject that are presented in different mediums. (K) *I can analyze various accounts of the same sub..." current
- 21:10, 10 November 2013 diff hist +383 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.6 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.6}} *I can determine a point of view as how the author feels about the situation/topic of a text. (K) *I can determine an author's point of view and..." current
- 21:09, 10 November 2013 diff hist +323 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.5 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.5}} *I can identify particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text that support an author's ideas or claims. (R) *I can analyze and ..." current
- 21:06, 10 November 2013 diff hist +505 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.4 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.4}} *I can define and identify various forms of figurative language. (K) *I can distinguish between literal language and figurative language. (K) *I..." current
- 21:04, 10 November 2013 diff hist +265 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.3 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RI9-10.3}} *I can determine the overall analysis, ideas, or events being conveyed by an author. (R) *I can analyze how a text unfolds and determine the imp..." current
- 21:00, 10 November 2013 diff hist -278 ELA I Can statements 9-10 →Reading Literature
- 20:57, 10 November 2013 diff hist +713 ELA I Can statements 9-10 →Reading Literature
- 20:54, 10 November 2013 diff hist +99 ELA I Can statements 9-10 →Reading Literature
- 20:50, 10 November 2013 diff hist +198 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.10 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.10}} *I can recognize when the text I am reading is too easy or too difficult for me. (K) *I can determine reading strategies that will help me comp..." current
- 20:49, 10 November 2013 diff hist +372 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.9 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.9}} *I can identify source material from one author found in the work of another. (K) *I can analyze how authors interpret and transform themes, eve..." current
- 20:48, 10 November 2013 diff hist +332 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.7 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.7}} *I can identify a subject or a key scene that is portrayed in two different artistic mediums (e.g., poetry, painting, drama). (K) *I can determi..." current
- 20:46, 10 November 2013 diff hist +326 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.6 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.6}} *I can explain how the point of view or cultural experience found in various works of world literature differs from works of literature written ..." current
- 20:45, 10 November 2013 diff hist -196 Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.4 I Can current
- 20:43, 10 November 2013 diff hist +687 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.5 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.5}} *I can identify different literary text structures (e.g., narrative, poem, drama). (K) *I can analyze a text and determine why an author chose t..." current
- 20:41, 10 November 2013 diff hist +687 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.4 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.4}} *I can identify different literary text structures (e.g., narrative, poem, drama). (K) *I can analyze a text and determine why an author chose t..."
- 20:37, 10 November 2013 diff hist +383 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.3 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.3}} *I can identify and explain the role of complex characters in a text. (R) *I can analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a tex..." current
- 20:35, 10 November 2013 diff hist -148 Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.2 I Can current
- 20:32, 10 November 2013 diff hist +163 Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RL9-10.1 I Can current
- 20:31, 10 November 2013 diff hist +9 ELA I Can statements 11-12 →Speaking and Listening
- 20:30, 10 November 2013 diff hist +307 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.6 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.6}} *I can identify various reasons for speaking (e.g., informational, descriptive, formal, informal). (K) *I can determine speaking tasks that wil..." current
- 20:29, 10 November 2013 diff hist +296 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.5 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.5}} *I can identify the parts of my presentation, including findings, reasoning, and evidence, that could use clarification, strengthening, and/or ..." current
- 20:28, 10 November 2013 diff hist +538 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.4 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.4}} *I can present information, findings, and/or supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically to convey a clear and distinct perspective. ..." current
- 20:26, 10 November 2013 diff hist +597 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.3 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.3}} *I can define a point of view as how the speaker feels about the situation/topic being presented. (K) *I can determine a speaker's point of vie..." current
- 20:23, 10 November 2013 diff hist +549 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.2 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.2}} *I can identify various purposes <noinclude>(e.g., to inform, to persuade, to describe, to convey an experience) </noinclude>for presenting inf..." current
- 20:18, 10 November 2013 diff hist +1,135 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.1 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy SL11-12.1}} *I can review and/or research material(s) to be discussed and determine key points and/or central ideas. (S) *I can create questions and locate..." current
- 18:41, 10 November 2013 diff hist +418 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.10 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.10}} *I can determine a writing format/style to fit my task, purpose, and/or audience. (R) *I can recognize that different writing tasks <noinclude>..." current
- 18:38, 10 November 2013 diff hist +2 ELA I Can statements 11-12
- 18:37, 10 November 2013 diff hist 0 Template:CCSS ELA Literacy RI11-12.5 I Can current
- 18:35, 10 November 2013 diff hist +78 ELA I Can statements 11-12 →Writing
- 18:29, 10 November 2013 diff hist +3,176 N ELA I Can statements 11-12 Created page with "The "I Can" statements here are ''not'' required for each benchmark. Rather, teachers should select those statements that will facilitate scaffolding and differentiation withi..."
- 18:28, 10 November 2013 diff hist +2,430 ELA I Can statements 9-10
- 18:14, 10 November 2013 diff hist +671 N ELA I Can statements 9-10 Created page with "The "I Can" statements here are ''not'' required for each benchmark. Rather, teachers should select those statements that will facilitate scaffolding and differentiation withi..."
- 18:08, 10 November 2013 diff hist +282 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.9 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.9}} *I can define textual evidence. (K) *I can determine textual evidence that supports my analysis, reflection, and/or research. (R) *I can compose..." current
- 18:07, 10 November 2013 diff hist +878 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.8 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.8}} *I can determine the credibility of a source by reviewing who wrote it, when it was written, and why it was written. (R) *I can assess the stren..." current
- 18:01, 10 November 2013 diff hist +566 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.7 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.7}} *I can define research and distinguish how research differs from other types of writing. (K) *I can focus my research around a problem to be sol..." current
- 17:59, 10 November 2013 diff hist +365 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.6 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.6}} *I can identify technology that will help me produce, publish, and update my individual or shared writing products. (K) *I can determine the mos..." current
- 17:58, 10 November 2013 diff hist +783 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.5 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.5}} *I can use prewriting strategies to formulate ideas. (S) *I can recognize that a well-developed piece of writing requires more than one draft. (..." current
- 17:55, 10 November 2013 diff hist +412 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.4 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.4}} *I can identify the writing style <noinclude>(argument, informative/explanatory, or narrative) </noinclude> that best fits my task, purpose, and..." current
- 17:53, 10 November 2013 diff hist +1,140 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.3 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.3}} *I can define narrative and describe the basic parts of plot. (K) *I can engage the reader by introducing one or more point(s) of view, the narr..." current
- 17:48, 10 November 2013 diff hist +1,111 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.2 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.2}} *I can choose a topic and identify and select the most significant and relevant information <noinclude>(e.g., well-chosen facts, extended defini..." current
- 17:44, 10 November 2013 diff hist +769 Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.1 I Can current
- 17:38, 10 November 2013 diff hist +163 N Template:CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.1 I Can Created page with "{{CCSS ELA Literacy W11-12.1}} *I can analyze substantive (influential) topics or texts to determine an argument that causes or has caused a debate in society. (R)"